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Photo by: Erez Marom - Visit Greenland


There is an option to apply for permits for a preliminary study and exploitation on a continual basis.

An application is submitted by completing an application form. The application form is available here

Download Application form

Prices for granting permits 

1. Application submission for one area: DKK 1,000

2. Notification of preliminary study: DKK 1.000

3. Notification of exploitation permit: DKK 10.000

4. Approval of exploitation plan and termination plan (within three years of Item 3): DKK 50.000

5. Approval of amendment to the plans referred to in Item 4: DKK 10.000

6. Extension of permit granted in Item 3: DKK 10.000

7. Authorization of permit transfer: DKK 5.000

8. Authorization of temporary cessation of exploitation activities: DKK 5.000


The Payment should be submitted to Greenland Governments account number:
6471 - 0001000028  - The Bank of Greenland (Grønlandsbanken)

  • It is important to note the payment with: "Afdeling for Erhverv & Handel"


It is possible to file a complaint concerning the decision made by the Division of Business and Trade, regarding your application for commercial use of ice and water.

Complaints are sent through mail to


A complaint has to include:

  • A justification for the complaint
  • Relevant documents:

- Your application

- Correspondence between the company and the Division of Business and Trade

- The decision made from the Division of Business and Trade


The Division of Business and Trade will process complaints, and the processing can take up towards 30 business days.

The Division of Business and Trade will contact the company through mail, when the complaint is processed.